The Environment

The surrounding environment at the Rainforest Retreat, nestled in between the villages of Galibeedu and Kaloor, is best described as a mid-altitude (1100 m) ‘shola-grassland’ ecosystem. Sholas are tropical montane evergreen forests nestled in the folds and valleys of mountains covered with grasslands. These shola-grassland eco-systems are unique to the Western Ghats of India and harbor a great diversity of flora and fauna not found elsewhere. Their importance and uniqueness is now recognized by ecologists.

Due to excessive rainfall (200in/yr), the population density here has remained low with a scattering of local small farmers practicing subsistence agriculture. Hence the area is still relatively wild and supports a lot of biodiversity.

With its stunning scenery, greenery, and accessibility (numerous walking trails and proximity to reserve forest) this part of Coorg is a paradise for nature lovers.