Internships at the Rainforest Retreat

The Rainforest Retreat has been hosting interns for more than 10 years and the response has been rewarding for both sides. It has been a life-changing experience for many of our interns. We have affiliations with international organizations and universities as well as local colleges and NGO’s. Our program offers a great opportunity to experience life in rural India and gain valuable experience, learning about sustainable livelihoods, organic agriculture, eco-tourism, fragile and complex rainforest eco-systems, conservation vs development issues, etc.

The specific duties are determined by the background and interest of the intern (eg eco-tourism / hospitality or organic agriculture), but they should be willing to help out wherever needed. The activities are quite diverse and can include general farm work (landscaping, gardening, maintaining nursery), guesthouse work, research, documentation, packaging and marketing of organic produce, teaching English to local children, helping with educational workshops, guiding treks and conducting interactive interpretive tours of the farm with student groups and guests of the Retreat.

Qualifications and duties

We welcome interns from any background as long as they have a genuine interest in nature and a simple, sustainable life and are willing to contribute wholeheartedly. Students with backgrounds in hospitality, biology, agriculture, ecology, development are obvious candidates but there is good scope for creative persons with arts/design and crafts (pottery, carpentry) skills. There is no specific language requirement (other than English) but willingness to learn will be an asset. Interns are normally expected to work for an average of 7 hrs/day for 6 days a week. Time off is provided for local travel. The duration is 3-10 months between the months of September and June.

We do not charge any fees and provide free accommodation and food during the internship period. Accommodation space may have to be shared depending on number of interns. For more details and availability. Please email us at
